Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Daily Diary about Paige, the foster dog from MT

Thursday, Sept 17, 2009

It’s almost 5AM and Paige has been pacing for about an hour. We must have fallen asleep for a couple of hours. When she started to whine I took her out but she didn’t seem to need to pee. So I kept her on the lead when we came in and I “laid down” again on the love seat in the reception room of the kennel. She paced and paced. So I got her a blanket and a water dish and she still couldn’t settle down. Paige did let me pet her and even “massage” her a bit, which I was very pleased and surprised at. When she still wouldn’t settle in, I thought that maybe if she ate she would. Paige hadn’t eaten for about a day at this point – if not longer. So I mixed a little canned food in with the food NESR sent and she finally ate something….

We just got back in. Paige started to whine again as I was typing. I want her to learn that communication – even if it is whining – will get a positive human response. So, out we went. She’s back in the run now. I’m going to try to sleep a little more for the next hour and then head up to the house and start the day.


Paige is really a nice little bitch. She’s very small, but doesn’t seem to be a dwarf, just small. She’s B/W and I suspect her coat will be very, very nice once we can get her cleaned up and brushed out regularly.

Today has already been a busy day. She’s been to the vet; been out in the play yard off lead; has met Sheba (through the chin link for now) and has met a couple of boarding dogs. It’s only 11AM!

Saturday 9-19-09

The past 2 days have been hectic. We had dogs in to the kennels so I decided to leave Paige and our GSD, Sheba, up at the kennel overnight. At least I could get a little sleep.

OMG! Banner day! Paige finally got into the house for a while. She was a little stressed but eventually got to lie down and a-l-m-o-s-t relax. All of a sudden she got antsy again so I took her out to the yard and after she pee’d (yes, she seems to be self-housebroken) I put her in her run at the kennel near our weekend guests. After dinner my daughter, Geffen came up to the kennel (with Sheba) while I had to go out for a while. I just got up here and … was greeted with tail wagging by Paige!!!! Hurrah!!

We’ve moved Paige over to raw feeding and she’s taken to it like a champ. She still won’t eat if anyone is in eye sight though. Paige is still on a lead all the time because she still won’t actually come to anyone.

Sunday 9-20-09

Lat night was horrible. Paige came into the house to sleep – ha! There was very little sleeping going on. I was out with her 4 times (and each time Sheba had to join us). Now, every time we went out, Paige had to “go” but each time we came back in she had to pace a while and then settle down for a while. I’m exhausted! This afternoon we went for our first real walk. Since our yard is large and we have the play yard for Paige to run in (albeit on the lead) I didn’t think we really needed to walk for exercise. But I did want to start walking her as soon as we could. She did very, very well. Didn’t flip out from anything. Walked nicely. If I rein her in she walks to my side (but not too close yet) and once in a while she moves out in front. Having Sheba walk with us is a mixed blessing. After about 5 minutes Sheba is an angel on the lead. It’s the first 5 minutes of Stop and Go to get Sheba to quit walking at the end of the lead and pulling which is a bad example for Paige. Mind you, Sheba is almost 4 so this is something we’ve fallen into and not likely to get out of. But like I said, After 5 (or it really could be less) minutes, she’s a trooper and a great example for Paige.

This evening Paige took some sour cream from my finger! The first offering took a few minutes. After than she was very willing. She still holds her body back, but I’m so thrilled with each step forward!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Last evening at dinner a great thing happened – as usually when Paige comes in she paces a while and eventually settles in. The more activity that’s going on the more she’s on guard and the longer it takes. But anyway, once we actually sat down to eat, she pace, and paced and paced. But instead of going to her “safe spot” under the living room table, she came and laid down near us at the kitchen table!!! Yea!

Last night was my eldest daughter, Geffen’s, turn to deal with her overnight. I still haven’t gotten a report as Geffen is sleeping in today. But I got greeted at my bedroom door when I came out (and then a quick retreat). Both dogs got beef neck bones this morning (Paige really needs her teeth and gums addressed). She seems to have liked the meat but then cried so I think the bone is a bit painful for her teeth and gums. I’m hoping that the chicken bone will start building her mouth up, poor pup! Right now, as I write, she is under my desk at the kennel lying down but not relaxed. She just “met” our groomer and she’s still unsure about her. The other dogs coming an going don’t seem to phase her, but the people do.

Wednesday September 23, 2009

Yesterday Paige got her first bath. It was not a disaster and she was not terrified but she was NOT happy. She did give my groomer a kiss on the nose even while in the tub! We didn’t even try to blow dry her. She looks great, probably feels better but it took her hours to get over it. This morning I gave Sheba a bath (always a production) and poor Paige kept poking her head in and checking in on Sheba! After that they both got a small breakfast so right now everyone is quiet.

Last night Paige slept in our room (with Sheba) on a blanket. It took her a short time to settle in but she did. I don’t think she ever made it into a deep sleep but it was Sheba, not Paige, who asked to go out at 2 AM, so that’s a huge improvement!

In the morning I let both dogs out into the main yard and Paige went out without a lead. She did very well I think. When I called them in it only took Paige one hesitation to make it in through the doorway. Later on, while I was spreading DE in the yard (after a year of NO ticks, I have waged constant battle against the buggers all summer!) she and Sheba kept following me around. When the seed spreader came out Sheba of course went nuts attacking and barking at it (anyone who has met Sheba can attest to her severe lack of dignity!) and Paige kept following me back and forth.

I want to start “recall” training so I plan to call Heather in short while.

Thursday September 24, 2009

Thankfully I spoke with Heather last evening and as expected she was a wealth of knowledge. Got some great suggestions and had a great time “visiting” with her! Took her advice to get Paige to start to come to me for food (with the intention of eventually getting her to come to me on command, one day).

So this morning, I took the two on a walk in the "neighborhood" (we're

semi-rural) and every so often called Sheba and gave her a piece of hot dog and
then called Paige and gave her a piece of hot dog. And each time she took it!
Yea! So this evening I hope to take it one step further and after having Paige
take more food from my hand, I'll probably sit outside her run when she eats.

(BTW, my dogs do not live in the runs or at the kennel. They have always been,
and will always be, house dogs. Come see the fur I sweep up 2 and 3 times a day!!
But, since we feed raw, I've found that it's the easiest place to feed when I
can't feed in the yard. I don't want raw all over my floor in the house. And I'm
not sure how wise it would be to feed the two of these in the yard at the same

Can't say how long this will go on before we start making this into a recall
exercise, but I'm just so pleased with every step forward this dog makes!

Tuesday September 29, 2009

It has been days since the last update. And I don’t know where to begin. Paige is still moving forward but slowly. I have to remind myself every day (or several times a day) that this is a marathon, not a sprint. She’s so smart, though, that it’s frustrating not to be able to tap into that yet. We are still working on getting Paige to come to us. She actually tries to come near. But at about 3 feet, she turns and bolts. And then comes right back. So she’s still on a drag lead part of the time. She is however glad to see us and always greets us with a smile and a wag. A lot of wagging in fact. The best way to get her to come closer is to start petting and “loving” on Sheba – then Paige comes running and even jumps up to plant a kiss on my nose!

I’m always amazed by dogs’ need for human contact in spite of everything! While I don’t think they forget, they are obviously able to forgive and move on. I wish I had that capacity.

She has gotten into the routine… she and Sheba get let out early in the morning for a run in the yard while the household starts to get organized. As soon as I come out they check if it’s time to come in or time to head to the kennel. If it’s time to come in, and the A/C compressor- monster isn’t making any noise, Paige will make her way in. Very slowly. I leave the doors open and she hesitantly makes her way in – in a dash! I’ll be glad when she can just follow Sheba in directly. If, however, I head out of the gate, she makes a mad dash to the side of the kennel and waits for me (first in line!) to take her from the yard to the main building! At that point she still needs to be on a lead since I’m not sure what would cause her to bolt or not (still needing that recall!!). She’ll then spend – as she is now – all morning under my desk or following me from run to run, depending on what needs to be done.

In the afternoons, when it’s not raining, the dogs get let out again into the yard. Depending on the heat (and it has been very hot and humid for the past 2 weeks) they stay out for a short break or long play. Paige tends to follow Sheba but has also found a nice cool and protected place to hang out under a giant philodendron. She comes flying out when I whistle!

I am concerned that she doesn’t drink enough water – given the heat here. She does eat a raw diet, which lessens the need for water, but she still won’t drink usually in front of people (or Sheba, come to think of it) so I do worry. She’s got access to water dishes all over so I guess it’s up to her.

Everyday we brush Paige and it is getting better. In fact yesterday she even submitted and laid on her side for a short time while I brushed her tail. It only lasted a few minutes, but I’ll take it! Today we’re going to trim her nails. We’re also going to the vet – not for Paige – for Sheba. Paige is going along for the ride. Should be interesting. I’m planning to start to get them in the car about 1:45 for a 2:15 appointment (the vet is only 4 minutes down the road) ‘cause while I’m optimistic, I’m also realistic!

1 comment:

Rob said...

Hey, Laura! You might think about adding new posts instead of adding to the one big post. That's how a blog usually works. (There's a big blue button on the compose page for that.)