Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Paige update, mostly

It’s been a few days since I last blogged. And there have been some interesting changes.

First of all, Paige has hit that “magical” 3 week mark. There have been great improvements but also a few set backs. I’ve been greeted for 2 mornings now with a “interesting” gift from Paige. Yesterday morning I wrote it off as a touch of diarrhea. Paige gets fed a raw diet and on days with little bone, it’s not uncommon for a dog to have loose stools. But I would have appreciated and whine to go out. Today there was no such excuse. So we might start crate training today.

On the other hand… the raw diet has done AMAZING things for her teeth and gums. When Paige first arrived her teeth were in horrible shape. Even the vet noted how much tarter there was for such a young dog. They were very, very brown. I’m happy to report that they are REALLY pearly white now! And her breath is better.

The other set back is Paige growling at people. It started once towards my husband. While I corrected, her I wrote it off as just being startled. It’s more than that. But only happens in the evenings. Not in the yard, but in the house and only in the evenings. She always gets a severe verbal correction and snap... but she tries to get the last word in (but doesn’t).

Paige is also bold enough now to take food from Sheba. Or tries to. Luckily for Paige, Sheba is very nonchalant about most things, including food. So I usually have to call her off. I don’t think Paige realizes that food is not rationed here, who knows if she ever will trust that. But Paige does have her likes and dislikes. She’s not crazy about raw eggs. Sheba loves them but Paige will only eat the insides. She completely leaves the shells – which is fine by Sheba who LOVES the shells.

Paige has started to run the fence (tail up and even barking once in a while) along side Sheba when there’s a Boarding dog out in the play yard – who is a fence runner. For the past few days it was Maggie (a husky mix) who thinks running the fence with Sheba is the best thing since sliced bread! Then she discovered Paige and by running at Paige (who has since learned that the fence is her friend) she can get Sheba really riled up! And the three of them are then off!

There’s family near here looking for an ES. I invited them over this weekend (due to illness in my home, we had to cancel this past weekend). Who knows? Maybe they’ll fall for Paige. I’m glad I’m not responsible for finding Paige her forever home. I’d be horrible at it! Too, too critical.

This weekend it’s just me and my DH – our son is still at school and both girls are headed out of town together. I’ve got Boarding dogs so I’m stuck on property. Ah well, I guess I should look at it as a “stay-cation”.


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